Thursday 29 January 2015



  • Caught for illegal street racing, gets put into prison, with all his reputation lost.
  • The reason for him being caught was because of somebody sabotaging his car.
  • In jail for 6 months, planning a way to get revenge.
  • Once out of jail he has to find out which of the other 4 drivers sabotaged his car.


  • Sabotages the hero's car, because he knows he is a better driver than him.
  • Never knew the police were going to come.
  • In the 6 months the hero is in the jail, the villain becomes the 'one to beat' - hailed as the best.
  • The villain is very overly confident.


At the start of the game Brian Johnson wakes up at 4AM due to his alarm being set off. This is because of an illegal street race planned at 4:30AM. He grabs his keys to his Mitsubishi Evo x10, and gets going to race to the event. He turns up and lines up his car on the start line, and gets out to hand over the stakes he will be betting for the race. Whilst he is doing this Jamal Stevens (villain) tampers with Brian's car, causing a fuel leak. Without any suspicions Brian gets back into his car ready on the start line to race. With all 5 cars revving to their maximums, the races begins. However the player plays the game the result will always be the same. Coming towards the end of the race, sirens start to emerge in the background. Everybody starts to flee away, but at this moment Brian's car starts to run out of fuel and then is busted by the police and later handed 6 months in prison.
Building up with rage and confusion Brian tries to find out who did this ludicrous act to his car.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Storylines in Games



- Fifa 15 - This is a sports game and doesn't really have a storyline at all.

- GTA IV - This has a storyline in which you are a Russian immigrant, that has immigrated to Liberty City and is trying to make a name for himself.

- GTA V - This storyline has three protagonists, it involves a lot of heists and bank robberies.

- NBA 2K15 - This has the best storyline in a sports game. You can create your own player and play in the NBA. Developing like you would in real life.

- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - This has a very good war storyline which is based in the future.

- Football Manager 2015 - This is a football manager simulator and doesn't have a storyline.

- Forza Horizon 2 - The storyline to this is average. You are racing legally on the streets, earning cash and getting higher up the ranks.

- Forza Motorsport 5 - You are a track racer and you earn cash and get higher up in the ranks.

- Assassins Creed: Unity - You are an assassin trying to find out murders.

- Last of Us - By far one of the best storylines in a game. A zombies apocalypse that has an amazing storyline.


The are many games that do not have a supposed storyline. For example this may include Fifa 15, Football manager 2015, PES 2015, and more than likely any simulator or sports games. This is because the aim of the game is no to complete a story, its more to simulate whatever it is that, that game is aiming to simulate.

Fifa 15 - Simulates playing with real-life footballers on a game.

Football Manager 2015 - Simulates being a real-life football manager.

PES 2015 - Simulates playing with real-life footballers on a game.

Goat Simulator - Simulates being a goat.


The story in a video game, has to be always thrilling, making the player want to carry on playing, rather than in films and books a little more description is added. Whereas games are pretty much straight to the point and action packed. Games can get away more with being more unrealistic than films because they are not using real-life characters, the characters are only generated.


A linear storyline in a game is when the storyline is planned. For example however you play the game the resulting end is the same. For example Call of Duty has a linear storyline as there is nothing you can do to play it differently. A non-linear storyline

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Unit 72/Unit 22

Maths Maze Game

Task 1



- 32 by 32 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 3 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

My character was coloured in very pale brain-like colours

This is the main character for the maths maze game. This is the character that the player will be controlling throughout the game. The reason to why the character is a brain, is that he is a brainbox character.


- 32 by 32 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 4 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used the colour green for his skin to make sure he looks like a frog. Then I used pale colours for his clothes so they look old and ragged.

This is the main enemy in the maths maze game. The player will not control this character. The character will be programmed to move on his self, making it difficult for the player to pass him.

- 32 by 32 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 6 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used the effect of lighting to make sure that the wall stands out.

This will be the main wall in my game that stops the player getting out of the boundaries when playing.


- 32 by 32 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 6 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used the effect of the stripes to make the second wall stand out.

This will be my second wall. This will fill in the gaps of the spaces created by the other walls, just to give the walls more texture.


 - 64 by 64 pixels
- Made in Photoshop and Game Maker
- 15 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used the effect of the red, to make the button stand out on the start screen, I also made the button animate so that the red flashes from right to left.

This will be the button for my start of the game. It will start the game and progress to the first level.


- 64 by 64 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 2 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used the red for the question mark to make it stand out, and so that the player can clearly see where the question mark is.

This will be used for the player to earn a question and progress to the next level.


- 1080 by 720 pixels
- Made in Photoshop
- 4 Layers - Merged together
- Used the pen tool to create

I used different shades of blue to create this background, this is to make it stand out and look good.

This will be used at the very start of the game, to welcome the player into the game.



This is the coding for the main character. Firstly there is an event called create. In the create segment there is a script of coding shown below.

This create coding sets the movement speed of my main character, the brain. For example, my character has been set to move at a speed of 5, his vertical speed is also 5, this is so that there is no difference between moving up and down and left and right. The next event is called step. Within the step segment there is more script of coding which is shown below.

The step coding allows you to set the keys you want to do certain things. For example, up arrow - makes the character go up, down arrow - makes the character go down and so on. Once this has been completed it also allows you to set the speed of each individual direction. I have mine set all at 5. This gives my character a steady and controllable speed. The next event is something called collisions, there are multiple of these. They are all set to do different things when the main character collides with something. For example, if the player collides with 'frogman' with the main character, that will level will restart and you have to try again. Although if the main character collides with the question mark, the player will be given a direct message like shown down below, displaying a maths equation, the character will have to answer the question on the next level.


This is the coding for the enemy 'frogman'. First of all there is an event called create. Within the create segment there is an action which allows frogman to move accordingly on its own. Basically, there is a command called movement, you can select which directions you want you sprite to move in and at what speed too. This is shown below.

The next two events are collisions. Inside these collision I programed frogman to bounce against walls and frogman 2.


This is the coding for the enemy 'frogman 2'. First of all there is an event called create. Within the create segment there is an action which allows frogman 2 to move accordingly on its own. Basically, there is a command called movement, you can select which directions you want you sprite to move in and at what speed too. This is shown below.

The next two events are collisions. Inside these collision I programed frogman 2 to bounce against walls and frogman.


There isn't no events on my walls as they don't need to move. All of the collisions are set on the objects that collide with it. The only thing that is key that has been set on here, is that it is solid. Without that anything that went into the wall would just be able to go straight through.


There isn't no events on my walls as they don't need to move. All of the collisions are set on the objects that collide with it. The only thing that is key that has been set on here, is that it is solid. Without that anything that went into the wall 2 would just be able to go straight through.


The only event that is on my Start Button is that when the left mouse button is clicked, the game goes to the next room so that the player can begin the game on the first level.


The only event for the question mark 1 is collision event. I have programed the game so that when the main character collides with the brain a display message will come up displaying a maths question for the player to answer in the next room. This is shown below. The next action within the event of collisions with the main character is that the game with move onto the next level, when the main character collides with question mark 1.


The only event for the question mark 2 is collision event. I have programed the game so that when the main character collides with the brain a display message will come up displaying a maths question for the player to answer in the next room. This is shown below. The next action within the event of collisions with the main character is that the game with move onto the next level, when the main character collides with question mark 2.


The only event for the question mark 3 is collision event. I have programed the game so that when the main character collides with the brain a display message will come up displaying a maths question for the player to answer in the next room. This is shown below. The next action within the event of collisions with the main character is that the game with move onto the next level, when the main character collides with question mark 3.


The only event for the question mark 4 is collision event. I have programed the game so that when the main character collides with the brain a display message will come up displaying a maths question for the player to answer in the next room. This is shown below. The next action within the event of collisions with the main character is that the game with move onto the next level, when the main character collides with question mark 4.


The only event for the question mark 5 is collision event. I have programed the game so that when the main character collides with the brain a display message will come up displaying a maths question for the player to answer in the next room. This is shown below. The next action within the event of collisions with the main character is that the game with move onto the next level, when the main character collides with question mark 5.

The only event I have for number 12 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 12 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.
The only event I have for number 15 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 15 I have programed the game to forward a room because he/she got the question correct. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer correct and you shall progress to the next room. This is shown below.
The only event I have for number 16 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 16 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.

The only event I have for number 16_right is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 16_right I have programed the game to forward a room because he/she got the question correct. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer correct and you shall progress to the next room. This is shown below.

The only event I have for number 20 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 20 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.


The only event I have for number 27 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 27 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.


The only event I have for number 28 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 28 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.


The only event I have for number 29 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 29 I have programed the game to forward a room because he/she got the question correct. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer correct and you shall progress to the next room. This is shown below.


The only event I have for number 30 is a collision. This is because when the main character collides with the number 30 I have programed the game to back a room because he/she got the question wrong. There will also be a display message displaying that you have got the answer wrong and you should try again. This is shown below.
















No clear instructions, or story to why you are playing the game
Difficult to get through gaps in the maze
Sometimes it’s hard to see where to go
Minor bugs with the enemies
Very bright colours
The last level is very hard unless the bugs are fine
Answer are sometimes challenging
Overall a good game


Use slightly less bright colours so that the player can see more easily where to go.

Fix the bug, where the enemy collides with another enemy and they both just stop. Also stop the bug where sometimes the enemy completely blocks the path you have to take.

And a screen at the start explaining what you have to do to complete the game.