What Particular Pre-Production Requirements Will You Need For Wayne's Maze Game?
The software I am going to use for Wayne's Maze game was Game Maker. In Game Maker I am going to develop my initial spites. I am going to further develop my sprites on Photoshop, this is because Photoshop can be more accurate and have a more quality finish to my designs. Furthermore I am going to use Game Maker to create rooms. These rooms are for each level of my game. After my sprites and my rooms are created I am going to use Game Maker to program my game to work. With both Photoshop and Game Maker combined I am going to create a fully working maze game. To create a draft for the maze game I am going to use Paint which is a free program which is pre-installed with Windows. All of this software is currently free for me, however if I was going to make this game professionally I would need to buy these so that the game could be produced with the best possible equipment possible.
I am going to create this game in college at South Leicestershire College. At SLC I have access to all of the software I need to create the game for free. If however I was creating this game seriously I would have to hire a facility substantial to my needs in creating my maze game. To hire facilities would cost a lot of money and this would have to added to my budget. Furthermore the software will no longer be free. Therefore I would need to buy the software needed to create my maze game.
To make a game productively I will need to make a deadline so that my game doesn't become too long in the making. My estimated time to make the game is about 2-3 weeks. This will include planning, programming, and developing. However if I was making the game professionally I would not set the deadline until a distributor told me when they want the game by. There and then I would decide a set deadline for the game so that the distributor could get the game on time and they could sell the game for me.
I am the only developer in my game development. I am responsible for the graphics, programming, planning and development. The deadline is set on the purpose that I am a sole developer. If I had a few people helping me in certain areas the deadline wouldn't be as long. If I was professionally making the maze game I wouldn't be the sole developer of the game. I would hire people to help me produce the game so that the game could be the best of its ability.
If I created my game at home I would need to set a budget. This is because I would need to buy all of the programs and software needed or order to develop the game. These programs would include Photoshop, Game Maker and a PC capable of creating these games. Adobe Photoshop costs around £330. Game Maker costs around £560. For the PC capable of creating these games would most likely cost over £1000. The budget would probably be around £2000. This would enable me to work at home on making this game so that the deadline could become a lot shorter. Plus I would have more time making things more perfect outside of college.
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